Make Your Money Work for You with Delling: The P2P Lending App

How It Works

We Help You Earn

1. Register and set-up

Register to the Delling platform, and choose if you are a lender or borrower. You can choose both. Connect your bank account or card.

2. Get micro-loan

Check your credit and take as much as you want to your bank account. In takes few minutes.

3. Lend and Earn

Set up lending parameters by answering a few questions. Sit back and watch the approved borrowers pay you interest.

We are developing a peer-to-peer micro-lending App. The innovative solution allows borrowers to access micro-loans in just minutes. With lenders providing automated instructions, the borrowing process is streamlined, making it easy for borrowers to apply and get approved quickly. Please read about the business, market, and more in our Investor page and get in touch for investment options.

We facilitate private microloans among individuals, with all aspects of the borrowing process streamlined and automated.